Thursday, November 20, 2008

Colors can Heal

Colors has today became one of the most basic characteristics of our lives. colors thus signifies the beginning of physical and psychological reactions and functions. to employ color correctly and to the most benefit, we need a scientific approach. we can find that science laid out for us right here . there is a special relationship between certain colors and individual. for instance if u u have ever tried to relax in a room painted red, then u may recall the uncomfortable feelings you experienced.even after closing your eyes you could not unable to relax.the color of red also creates a desire for communicating, gives energy,warmth, increase vitality and release suppressed emotions. the modern science of applying color as a remedy, antidote, neutralizer, prophylactic, and or from the nostrum sprang from the researchers. a scientific basis for color therapy was laid in 1979 by Douglas Pratt. PhD of university of Minnesota. colors have been adopted as a cure to illness. specific ailments can be cured by adjusting the required color input to the body. color therapy, in fact is becoming some accepted fact and established part of clinical and medical office setting. the power of color healing has been recognized by most health professionals around the world who practice advanced medical techniques, especially those utilizing method of non traditional and complimentary medicines, such as visualization,and imagery, orthomolecular nutrition acupuncture, acupressure, reiki, bio feed back and electromagnetic. the theory of radionic is that every part of the human body radiates a specific level of energy. if all these energies are at specific levels, the individual etheric body is in balance.the etheric body is the spiritual essence of the physical body . it carries spark of life and can be reviewed externally as the color of the aura. if an individuals energy levels are either too high or too low the etheric body can result in disease in the physical body. according to radionic theory, nothing occurs in the physical body unless it first happens in the etheric body. the color therapy when applied to an indivisuals multicolor aura , brings about a harmony for the person. in fact color can affect peoples mood, perception of temperature and time and their ability to concentrate. the color therapy is now being increasingly used to produce desired responses in mental health clinics , hospital recovery rooms, prison cells and in workplaces.according to modern color therapists, there are several principles of color healing. the application of through various methods, such as colored foods, solarized liquid and solids, sunlight or artificial rays are also applied to skin. colored clothes, colored room decor, meditation on the color, colored light and colored breathing change the consciousness of an individual and help him. the two foundation colors of color healing are red and blue. all other colors are subsidiaries or refinements of red and blue. the pure the color, the most penetrating the rays and the faster the body's reactions.on a very deep level of DNA , it affects the chromosomes and cellular compliments. every color is said to have a specific emotional effect on people. if a sick child whos constantly in pain spent most of the time in a dominating ly blue room, it said by some therapists to have soothing and calming effect.color therapists believe that the hypothalamus in the human body controls the pituitary gland as the former is influenced by light, it acts on the pituitary gland, which in turn controls all the other glands like pineal glands linked to the crown chakra on top of the head.every organ system has its own vibration energy and disease can occur when the energy is short. by applying the same color which has the same vibration energy, the disease can be overcome . serotonin is another very important chemical of the brain that is responsible for behavioral patterns.during a span of 24 hours serotonin is produced during the day and melatonin during the night. depression appears to be linked with melatonin levels. naturally sunlight alleviate this problem by controlling melatonin release. specific colors appear to affect specific diseases. we can see how colors affect us on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes.
* green and light blue make us restful
* orange is revitalizing
*red is stimulating
* sky blue and turquise are restful
* peach is revitalizing
*orange is stimulating
* indigo is restful
*emerald green is revitalizing
*yellow stimulating
* blue is restful
*gild revitalizing
*violet and purple stimulates
on the physical level, green and light blue relax, orange has a revitalizing effect and red stimulates. these colors can affect us in the emotional, mental and spiritual levels also. a person who feels drained of ideas can be revitalized with emerald, where as indigo should be selected if a person has a mind cloud with thoughts. if the person has a disinterested outlook towards life, the color yellow can change his attitude.most colors can be imparted by various means. colores glass bulbs are one oh the easiest and most effective means of adding color. by making appropriate choices, colors can effectively used to bring health and cheer for every one in family and to nurse the sick back to health. colors used in furnishings can be changed to healing color shades in patients room. a color should always match the other colors present in a room. the other way of introducing colors is by painting the walls in the desired color.normally sky blue, white, and green are natures colors and use of these colors has beneficial effects. when water is exposed to sunlight, it gets energized. this type of water energizing is called sol arising. sunlight contains seven colors and each color has its own effect on various organs of the body. its possible to prepare colored solarised water by using colored glass . another method of administering color therapy is to use the healing color in body again select the color that is needed to wear it in the initial stages for a couple of hours. watch the body's reaction. it often said that the colors we wear reflects our personality. colors have the ability to bring out the best and the wrost in us. for example if a person is depressed, he should not use colors like Grey, black or faded colors. these can be aggravate the situation. the use of bright colors will have a salutary effect in mind and help to come out of depression. similarly when a person feels low on confidence he should use bright colors that attract attention. onthe other hand if one is irritable or or under stress, he should use calming colors like light blue,violet etc. its not always necessary to use colors in the form of garments. you can use as bed spreads and pillow covers. there is another variation of color therapy is color meditation. if some one have health problems it require to imagine prescribed color and imagine breath the color and feel it spreads in your body. when u favour one color over other it tells your ur personality and behaviour. color preferences are innate. you are born with an attraction for particular colors. what you feel about them will probably remain imprinted throughout your life in your mind. your color choice is the result of your genes, arly childhood memories, sducation, parents, beliefs, cultural trainings, political learnings and other aspects of life. be happy with colors

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